Murdo Iron Water Final Major Project07–05–2024
Being set the task of building a brand around a rare phenomenon by Pearlfisher, which culminated in a ten-page presentation. I explored different avenues before finding the Blood Falls in Antarctica, a rare phenomenon where orange coloured water cascades down glaciers, this comes from the iron oxide within the water.

This is where the inspiration behind the entire brand comes from, with the benefits that Iron can bring to the body, especially in the muscle recovery and sporty sector, I  set out to create a beverage company which allows athletes and likeminded people to perform for longer, harder and more frequently thanks to increase iron levels, which in turn allows for more oxygen flow to muscles around the body. And so Murdo Iron Water was created, to push athletes across all walks of life, from professional athletes to simple gym goers because everyone who pushes their body to the limit in reach of their goals can benefit from the product.  

3D Design
Branding & Advertising
Illustrator, Photoshop & Blender

EventHiveD&AD Entry10–04–2024
EventHive, my answer to D&AD’s New Blood brief in 2024, a reimagining of for the brand with a brand new feature implemented into their pre-existing app. Creating a campaign that will set Bumble up for the next ten years, whilst pay homage to their past ten and holding the original ethics and designs of the brand. A group project in which I had one teammate, parts shown are my designs that I contributed to the final project.  

Logo Design
Branding & Advertising
Illustrator & Photoshop

Six-FiveLive Brief10–01–2024
Being set the task of rebranding a space or building, giving the chosen location a new identity as well as a purpose to belong. Six-Five, a bike & repair shop based on an old station in the St Albans area. Providing a sleek path through surrounding towns which is used by hundreds of commuters every day. Encompassing the bike chain motif which connects this space through time and history, into the present day with a modern re-imagination of the possibilities of the space.

Logo Design
Branding & Advertising
Illustrator & Photoshop

Fanatic FrenzyThe Importance Of Identity13–03–2022
A Print project from first year, Fanatic Frenzy brings footballs fans together, a pre-existing 2000 words articles spans across the pages, with created visuals of sands explosions and passionate fans.

Visual Experimentation
Illustrator & Photoshop

F*CK THE NUMBERSPlayfull Poster Project15–10–2023
Briefed to explore ways to encourage adults to play, something this is not common later on in life after childhood. Through the means of an A1 poster we had to evoke a response from passers by and pushing them and encourage playful activities and such within their daily life. 

Bringing ‘paint by numbers’ designs from my childhood I presented a hidden message within the paint section which completes the full poster and ties the message together.

Print / Physical
Visual Experimentation

©Cameron Hughes Thank you for viewing!